2012-2013 Executive Elections
Hello Members!
It’s that time of year when we are asked to elect a new set of individuals to represent the Legal Studies Society!
This month we will elect the following positions:
President, Vice-President Internal, Vice-President External, Vice-President Education, Vice-President Communications and, Vice-President Finance.
Here are the important dates for you to know:
Nominations open March 6th & Close March 12th
Campaigning March 13th – 20th (Campaign rules and regulations will be sent to candidates on March 12th)
Speeches March 21st
Voting March 22nd – 23 on ASU Website
Please click Legal Studies Society Executive Nomination 2012 to download a copy of the nomination package. All nomination packages are due to the Legal Studies Society Drop Box (2nd Floor SJU) by March 12th at 11:00 a.m (no acceptations will be made).
Before running for an executive position in the society, please consult the Legal Studies Society Constitution (found on this website), to ensure you meet the official requirements.
Jeff Bunn,
President & Chief Electoral Officer, Legal Studies Society